Game Play Airlines

A newsletter-paperplane made for Artbit festival in Kyoto, ready to travel the world to spread experimental game researches!


An indy game exhibition on the theme “spaceship earth” embarked in this space train made for Tokyo french institute


A VR drawing show made with our experimental holographic system


Invent the future of pinball with paint markers and a sheet of paper, and play it on a machine straight out of science fiction !

Chienpo Electrics

Help Chienpo climb the buildings to repair the neons in this life-size mapping projection platform game with crazy colors!


Instantly design retro LCD style video games on paper with colored pen and revise your game designer basics.

Caveman Animator

Rediscover the encestral magic of animation mixing the best of technology and the most low tech drawing skills!


A 2 players arcade classic shooter where all your little doodles transform into blinking items you can catch and throw !


Draw your own video games on paper with colored markers, press “scan”… magic! The game come to life in front of you in real time.

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